
The 3 mistakes of my life in hindi
The 3 mistakes of my life in hindi

the 3 mistakes of my life in hindi

I have a poor imagination, so I was with the impression that I would snooze off once I start reading the book. Once I started reading it, I just wanted to find out with each and every page, what happened next. Also, the second book "One Night At the Call Center", was another nice book for me. Each time I would read a page, I would say to myself "one more page, one more page". But the book 'Five Point Someone' made me so much involved in it, that I was continuously reading it till the book was finished. Because as I already stated, I had no prior experience of reading novels and I feel I am a newbee in this area. When I held the first book, Five Point Someone, in my hand, I was wondering or with the fear, If I will finish this book. Before reading these three books, I didn't read any novels. I like these three books and these are the first reads of mine. This GPA is a tattoo that will remain with them, and come in the way of anything else that matters - their friendship, their future, their love life. They have a five-point-something GPA out of ten, ranking near the end of their class. Before they know it, they are at the lowest echelons of IIT society.

the 3 mistakes of my life in hindi

It takes them a while to realize- If you try and screw with the IIT system, it comes back to double screw you. And while they try to make amends, things only get worse. In fact, it describes how screwed up things can get if you don't think straight.'Three hostelmates - Alok, Hari and Ryan get off to a bad start in IIT - they screw up the first class quiz. The book starts with a disclaimer, 'This is not a book to teach you how to get into IIT or even how to live in college. Five Point Someone - Five Point Someone is a story about three friends in IIT who are unable to cope. The novel has also been adapted into a movie. The story takes a dramatic and decisive turn when they get a phone call from God. It is filled with a lot of drama with unpleasant things happening to all of the leading characters. One Night At The Call Center - The novel revolves around a group of six call center employees working in Connexions call center in the Delhi suburb of Gurgaon in Haryana. To realize their goals, they will have to face it all - religious politics, earthquakes, riots, unacceptable love and above all, their own mistakes.

the 3 mistakes of my life in hindi

However, nothing comes easy in a turbulent city. Omi knows his limited capabiltiies and just wants to be with his friends. Ish is all about nurturing Ali, the batsman with a rare gift. Govind's wants to make money and thinks big. To accomodate his friends Ish and Omi's passion, they open a cricket shop. This are the three best books of Chetan Bhagat combined into one easy to read book: The 3 Mistakes of My Life - In late-2000, a young boy in Ahmedabad called Govind dreamt of having a business.

The 3 mistakes of my life in hindi