07:58 ' BASTARD!! -Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy-' Season 2 Casts Shōmaru Zōza, Seiyu Fujiwara.10:09 Undead Girl Murder Farce Anime Casts Shinichiro Miki as Sherlock Holmes.
11:10 5th Moriarty the Patriot Stage Musical Reveals Visuals.12:00 Gakuto Coda's 'Missing' Novels Get New Manga on May 26.
13:00 Manga UP Launches ' My Housemate Sano-kun Is Just My Editor!' Manga in English. 13:14 Sacrificial Princess & the King of Beasts Anime Reveals English Dub Cast, Premiere. 14:00 Disgaea 7: Vows of the Virtueless Game Streams New Character Trailer. 15:00 Is the order a rabbit? Director Hiroyuki Hashimoto Starts Anime Studio. 16:00 Miyuki Miyabe's Mishimaya Henchō Hyaku Monogatari Novels Get Manga Adaptation. 17:00 North American Anime, Manga Releases, April 30-May 6. Those wishing evil are told that in return for their enemy’s condemnation, they too will go to hell after they die, but that warning is little played up in this anime tie-in that probably plays better on TV. Hell, by the way, looks like a shower of black chrysanthemums, the Japanese funeral flower. The action is also unclear in key scenes, with too many shortcuts taken. It can be difficult to tell which character is speaking, given the lack of tails on the word balloons, since the voices aren’t distinctive. As the book proceeds, the stories and resolutions become more perfunctory. Later stories cover a pastry student opening her own shop sabotaged by her jealous former teacher an aspiring actress starring in the Hell Girl movie who’s being stalked an evil vet and a girl sexually harassed by her teacher. Nerd Mari is set up to be caught shoplifting popular Satsuki rescues her but blackmails Mari into buying her treats. The most fully realized, in both motivation and setup, is the first. Each chapter is thus a story of someone getting what’s coming to them. Enter your enemy’s name at midnight on a special Web site, and Hell Girl takes revenge on them for you.