
Empty Hearts by Juli Zeh
Empty Hearts by Juli Zeh

Empty Hearts by Juli Zeh

By contrast to the apocalyptic staging of the tipping point that terminates life on this planet, presentist dystopias envisage the future as unfolding incrementally and cumulatively in the extended present. By radically shrinking the temporal gap between now and the future, Zeh's dystopia suspends the future perfect as an enabling perspective that can mobilize preventative action. Dystopia no longer designates the final apocalyptic catastrophe that dramatically unfolds in the distant future but rather the gradual erosion of democracy in the here and now. From a temporal perspective, however, Leere Herzen is an intriguing novel: it places what one might call a “plausible dystopia” within close reach of the disillusioned age. Zeh's novel does not rank among her highest literary achievements.

Empty Hearts by Juli Zeh Empty Hearts by Juli Zeh

In 2017, the renowned German writer Juli Zeh published Leere Herzen (Empty Hearts), a dystopian novel that imagines life in postdemocratic Germany and Europe. This epilogue connects the analysis of time and temporality with a broader perspective on the future direction of the humanities.

Empty Hearts by Juli Zeh