Sorin and Konstantin talk about Konstantin’s mother, Arkadina, and Konstantin opines that his mother and he stand for entirely different theatrical traditions, and tells Sorin that he longs to become a famous writer. He has had Yakov and the workmen erect him a makeshift theater in the garden, and Konstantin is delighted with it. Sorin and Konstantin enter, talking about the boredom of the country, and Konstantin expounds upon his longing for “new forms” in the theatre. Masha, in love with Konstantin, is in mourning for her life. Waiting for Konstantin’s play to begin, Medvedenko, the local schoolteacher, asks Masha, with whom he is in love, why she always wears black. It is to be performed outside, on his uncle Sorin's estate, starring the woman Konstantin is in love with, Nina. Konstantin, the son of Arkadina (a famous actress), has written a play.